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3D Work

Possibly the most important part of my final project and a vital part of transitioning into Game Graphics Productions, I will use the base of an already existing assignment (Sketching a pavilion based around your study choices and persona style) and will create a 3D model based of that same sketch.

I did a lot of personal exploring and studying lusing process videos of AAA companies in the video game industry such as Riot Games (League of Legends), Blizzard (WoW,Overwatch,Hearthstone) , Digital Extremes (Warframe, Bioshock series) and Bethesda Soft. (ESIV Skyrim, Fallout series) as well as several process and tutorial videos made by experienced 3D model artists.

After having a conversation at the SID-IN expo with a representative from Howest I started studying the basics of 3DSMAX alongside starting the creation of my model. Development started out mostly studying and taking notes on how 3DSmax works, but after the initial learning period the project quickly started to gain velocity and I ended up experimenting more than I initially expected. Making this project has made me excited for what's to come in my years on Howest and I am looking forward to continue learning more about what happens behind the scenes in videogame companies, and eventually get involved in the process.

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