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Ever since I was young I have been playing videogames and been interested in art. I have always loved taking time to look into the environments, stories, worlds, creatures and objects occupying the fantastical worlds in art and videogames.More specifically the process that allows artists and companies to make these worlds come alive.
In recent months I've been researching a lot about how videogames are created and brought to life, all the way from the concept stage to the final steps in creating a working, playable videogame that looks and feels good to play.
Ultimately I want to get involved in 
the creation of living, breathing 
video game worlds that feel unique
to traverse and are perfectly tail-
ored to the game and its 
world. For my finals project I'll be 
turning my pavilion ( a task we were
assigned by school for our Jury)
into a 3D-model using 3DSmax (a
task I'll be assigning to myself).
With this I hope to showcase that I 
can quickly learn the steps needed 
in creating these models with little assistance and that I am very
passionate about the craft.
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